
23 Jun 2012

hack cheat marvel avengers on june 2012 | marvel avengers

kali ini saya akan posting tentang cheat marvel avengers.for FIREFOX

langsung saja ngga usah basa-basi lagi cekidot.


Add-ons [Here], Firefox [Here]   (tutorial ada di bawah)


  • Automatically send agents on Flight Deck missions and collect rewards
  • Easily win battles
  • Force certain items to drop in battle
  • Score multiplier
  • Get up to 50 giftable items per day (Norton Shield, First Aid Pack, Restoration Pack, Energy, Challenge, S.H.I.E.L.D. Point, etc.)
  • One-click ally scan
  • Automatically refresh on errors


Press the LeetHax button on the left to access the cheat interface.
Hover your mouse over each option to see a detailed description.
When the "Automate Flight Deck" option is active, you can leave the game open to collect Silver and agent experience over time.


The item getter uses up the daily gift limit (50 items per day). A "Gift not accepted" error most likely means that the limit is exhausted.
If an error occurs during item obtaining, you may find an item with the description "LH_giftBeacon" in your inventory. You can safely accept or discard it, but trying to "return the favor" can result in strange behavior.
Things that are not likely to be cheatable:
  • Avoiding the daily gift limit
  • Gold

NB :
untuk Add-ons nya bisa klik di => Di situ nanti ada tulisan gede Install Exstension
tinggal di klik nanti dari firefox minta konfirmasi klik "izin" nanti tinggal install add-ons nya terus restart firefox nya

1 komentar:

  1. bro saya udah instal add on nya, trus gmn lg? semacam aplikasi apa gmn nih? g ada cheat yg terinstal kok...


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